Morning’s Kiss Acrylic on canvas-(SOLD)


Morning’s Kiss’
Acrylic on canvas
99cm x 122cm

Artist Statement

Morning. A single word that heralds the beginning of new things. The start of something new. REBIRTH. I have often felt that the sky is the most overlooked as we go about out daily routine, more so in the times we live in where every hour of the day right down to the last minute is planned and swept away by a variety of commitments. In this piece the sky holds court and speaks of the promise of a new day. It is beautiful, dreamy, enormous and at times ethereal. The promise of HOPE is in the Sun that breaks through the clouds. Strength is seen in the lonely and quiet path that only YOU know you must walk. The courage is seeing it to the end of that path and finding yourself along the way. The destination has always been there waiting for you.

the underlying message in this piece is HOPE and a chance to begin anew with STRENGTH and COURAGE.



Year 2016-201720170201_105904.jpg