Untitiled- (still working at it)


It’s hard to work from imagination because you’re selling something only you can see in your head.
Almost done. About 60%. Still working on the sky … Wanting it to look ‘soft’..’dreamy’
.. So that’ll take a few more days because I like leaving the colours to ‘rest’ a bit before giving it another layer. Meanwhile the bottom half is only just breaking through. Don’t want competition here. Currently sitting under soft lighting rather than harsh white lights. So you get those pinkish yellowish tones jumping out at you. But if ever someone buys this, it should be hanged under those soft lights and this would be the effect.

Started another piece because this needs a day or two before I return to it… Acrylic 48″ x 36″

“Everything you can imagine is real.” ― Pablo Picasso

Through My Eyes

Through My Eyes

Originally done for the 50 Shades of Malaysia, this is one of the two (the other being Marriage) submitted. Due to the overwhelming response from Artists, the gallery picked one for viewing. It is on sale and painted within the theme.

The Ceki deck of cards were widely popular among ethnic groups living in Malacca. Widely played by the Baba Nyonya’s and the local Portuguese, it is still played today by their descendants. The Portuguese call this game ‘Patui’.

In this piece I have chosen 1 character card. ‘Fogu’ which translates to FIRE is seen covering half the face.

I have chosen to use an ‘I Wish’ poem to best convey what I feel.

I wish to be heard
I wish for peace
I wish you would not hit me
I wish you would not rape me
I wish you would not steal from me
I wish you would not suffocate my individuality
I wish you would not take from me what was not yours to begin with
I wish for a better tomorrow